Electrical Machines(Induction Motor):

126. “The direction of induced current in the rotor is so
as to oppose the cause producing it”. This is given by
a. Faraday’s law
b. Lenz’s
c. Electromagnetic
d. Ampere’s
127. If the rotor of the machine catches the speed of
the rotating magnetic field, then the motor will
a. Rotate at the speed of rotating magnetic field
b. Rotate
at double the speed of the rotating magnetic field
c. Eventually
d. None
of these
128. Slip speed of the motor decides the magnitude of the
induced emf and the rotor current, which in turn decides the torque produced.
If Ns is the synchronous speed and N is the motor speed in rpm,
then the slip speed is given by
a. Ns
b. Ns –
c. Ns +
d. N
- Ns
129. At start, the slip of the induction motor is
a. 1
b. 0
c. 0.5
d. None
of these
130. Slip of a induction motor will be zero,
a. At start
b. When
machine is rotating at its maximum speed
c. When
it is rotating at half of the maximum speed
d. Cannot
be zero
131. A 4 pole, 3 phase, 50 Hz star connected induction
motor has a full load slip of 5%. Then full load speed of the motor is
a. 1500
b. 1400
c. 1405
d. 1425
132. A 50 Hz, 3 phase slip ring induction motor, has
6 poles on stator and 4 poles on rotor. Then the machine will run at
a. 1000 rpm
b. 1500
c. 1400
d. Machine
will not run at all
133. A 3 phase, 50 Hz squirrel cage induction motor,
has 6 poles on stator and 4 poles on rotor. Then the machine will run at
a. 1000 rpm
b. 1500 rpm
c. 1750
d. Machine
will not run
134. The rotor frequency of a three phase induction motor
a. Slip times the supply frequency
b. 1
/ slip times the supply frequency
c. Equal
to the supply frequency
d. None
of these
135. The rotor resistance per phase on standstill and
rotor reactance per phase on standstill of induction motor is
a. Slip times the rotor resistance at standstill
and slip times rotor reactance at standstill
b. Same
as rotor resistance at standstill and slip times rotor reactance at standstill
c. Same
as rotor resistance at standstill and same as rotor reactance at standstill
d. Slip
times the rotor resistance at standstill and same as rotor reactance at
136. Nature of the rotor power factor in running
condition is always
a. Leading
b. Lagging
c. Both
(a) and (b)
d. None
of these
137. n terms of slip, the actual speed (N) of the induction
motor can be expressed as
a. Ns (1-s)
b. Ns (s-1)
c. Ns /
d. Ns /
138. If a voltmeter when connected to the rotor of an
induction motor gives 150 oscillations per minute and stator frequency is 50
Hz. Then the slip of induction motor will be
a. 3%
b. 4.5%
c. 5%
d. 5.5%
139. For a three phase induction motor, the two rotor
frequencies are given by
a. sf, (1 - s) f
b. sf,
(2 - s) f
c. (1
- s) f, (2 - s) f
d. Sf
, sf
140. The torque produced in the induction motor depends on
the following factors
1. The part of rotating magnetic field which reacts with rotor and is
responsible for producing emf.
2. The magnitude of rotor current in running condition.
3. The power factor of the rotor circuit in running condition.
Which of the above statement is true?
a. Only 1
b. 1
& 2
c. 2
& 3
d. 1,
2 and 3
141. The torque produced in a three phase induction motor
a. Directly proportional to the square of the
induced emf in rotor
b. Directly
proportional to the induced emf in rotor
c. Inversely
proportional to the square of the induced emf in rotor
d. Inversely
proportional to the induced emf in rotor
142. For maximum torque, the only parameter which
controls the torque is slip. The maximum torque is
a. directly proportional to the rotor resistance
b. inversely
proportional to the rotor resistance
c. directly
proportional to the slip times the rotor resistance
d. independent
of the rotor resistance
143. When the torque produced by the induction motor is at
its maximum, the slip is given by
a. X2 / R2
b. (R2
+ X2) / X2
c. R2
/ X2
d. R2 / (R2 + X2)
144. A 400v, 4 pole, 3 phase, 50 Hz star connected
induction motor has a rotor resistance and reactance per phase equal to 0.02
ohm and 0.2 ohm respectively. Then the slip at which maximum torque occurs and
the corresponding maximum torque is (assuming stator to rotor turns ratio as 6)
a. 10%, 159.08 N - m
b. 20%,
318.16 N - m
c. 11%,
159.08 N - m
d. 10%,
318.16 N – m
145. When an induction motor is loaded from no load
to full load, its speed and slip
a. Increases, decreases
b. Decreases,
c. Both
d. Both
146. An induction motor when loaded from no load to full
load, its slip also varies from s = 1 to s = 0. Then the torques in the low
slip region and in high slip region is
a. Both are directly proportional to the slip
b. Both
are inversely proportional to the slip
c. Directly
proportional to the slip, inversely proportional to the slip
d. Independent
of slip, proportional to the slip
147. The curve obtained by plotting torque against slip
from s = 1 to s = 0 is called torque slip characteristics. The nature of the
graph in the low slip region and in the high slip region is
a. Rising exponential, decaying exponential
b. Both
will be straight line
c. Straight
line, rectangular parabola
d. Straight
line, decaying exponential
148. If an induction motor is operating at a point in the
high slip region, then the motor will be
a. Stable
b. Unstable
c. Either
stable or unstable depending on the torque
d. None
of these
149. The value of slip for motoring, generating and braking
region respectively are
a. S > 1, 0 = s = 1, s < 0
b. S
< 0, 0 = s = 1, s > 1
c. 0
= s = 1, s > 1, s < 1
d. 0
= s = 1, s < 0, s > 1
150. When the slip of an induction machine is negative, it
is running as a
a. Motor
b. Generator
c. Synchronous
d. None
of these
151. If sf is the full load slip and sm is
the slip for maximum torque, then the ratio of full load torque to the maximum
torque is given by
a. 2sfsm / ( sm2 +
sf2 )
b. 2sf /
( sm2 + sf2 )
c. 2sm /
( sm2 + sf2 )
d. sfsm /
( sm2 + sf2 )
152. If sst is the starting slip and
sm is the slip for maximum torque, then the ratio of starting
torque to the maximum torque is
a. sm / ( sm2 +
1 )
b. 2sm /
( sm2 + 2 )
c. 2sm / ( sm2 +
1 )
d. 1
/ ( 1 + sm2 )
153. A 16 pole, 50 Hz, star connected three phase
induction motor has rotor resistance of 0.012 ohm per phase and rotor reactance
of 0.220 ohm per phase at standstill. Its full load torque is at speed of 220
rpm. Ratio of its starting torque to maximum torque is
a. 0.1208
b. 0.1087
c. 0.1102
d. 0.1012
154. If the rotor resistance of an induction motor is
doubled, keeping the other parameters constant, then the maximum torque of the
induction motor will become
a. Double
b. Halved
c. One
d. Remains
155. “By adding external resistance to rotor till it
becomes equal to rotor reactance, the maximum torque can be achieved at start”.
This statement holds for
a. Slip ring induction motor
b. Squirrel
cage induction motor
c. Both
a and b
d. Neither
a nor b
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