Electrical Machines(DC Machines) Part-03

Electrical Machines(DC Machines) Part-03:

51. Two 4 pole d.c. machines of identical armature, one with wave winding and other with lap winding are wound. Then

a. The lap wound machine will have more generated voltage
b. Wave wound machine will have more generated voltage
 Both will have same generated voltage
d. None of these

52.  The armature in d.c. machines are always placed on rotor

a. Otherwise commutation will not be possible
b. Otherwise there will not be any induced emf
c. Otherwise current will not flow
d. All of these

53. In a d.c. machine, the commutator provides

a. Half wave rectification
b. Full wave rectification
 Semi controlled rectification
d. Uncontrolled rectification

54. To have perfect neutralization of armature mmf under the pole shoe, the ampere conductors of compensating winding must be

a. Not equal to the total armature ampere conductors under the pole shoe
b. Equal to the total armature ampere conductors under the pole shoe
 Half of the total armature ampere conductors under the pole shoe
d. Twice of the total armature ampere conductors under the pole shoe

55. Ampere turns per pole for compensating winding in d.c. machines is equal to

a. (pole arc / pole pitch) * armature ampere turns per pole
b. (pole pitch / pole arc) * armature ampere turns per pole
c. (pole arc / pole pitch) * total ampere conductors per pole
d. None of these

56. The compensating windings are used to neutralize the armature reaction in d.c. machines. These windings are connected

a. Across armature
b. In series with armature
 Both (a) and (b)
d. None of these

57. The armature reaction effect in d.c. machines can be completely neutralized by using

a. Only compensating winding
b. Only interpoles
c. Both compensating winding and interpoles
 None of these

58. Practically in d.c. machines, it may happen that the emf induced in different parallel paths may not be same. This will cause inequality in brush arm currents and will give rise to copper losses. These effects can be avoided by using

a. Compensating windings
b. Interpoles
c. Equalizer rings
 All of these

59. In d.c. machines, equalizer connections are provided in

a. Only wave winding
b. Only lap winding
 Both wave winding and lap winding
d. None of these

60. If in the d.c machine, the reversal of current in the coil is faster than ideal or linear commutation then the commutation is said to be

a. Retarded commutation
b. Under commutation
c. Accelerated commutation
d. Ideal commutation

61. In d.c. machines, the interpoles have tapering shape which results in

a. Simpler design
b. Reduction in the weight
c. Increase in acceleration of commutation
d. All of these

62. The generating action and motoring action in d.c. motor is determined by

a. Fleming’s left hand rule, Fleming’s right hand rule
b. Both by Fleming’s left hand rule
c. Both by Fleming’s right hand rule
d. Fleming’s right hand rule, Fleming’s left hand rule

63. In a practical motor, to reverse the direction of rotation

a. Reverse the direction of main field produced by the field winding
b. Reverse the direction of current passing through the armature is reversed
c. Either (a) or (b)
 None of these

64. A 220 V, d.c. motor draws an armature current of 20 A. Its armature resistance is 0.6 ohm. Then the induced emf in the motor will be

a. 195 V
b. 202 V
c. 208 V
 215 V

65. If the flux is increased by 50% and speed is reduced by 50% of a d.c. motor (keeping the other parameters constant), then its back emf will become

a. 50 % of the original back emf
b. 0.75 % of the original back emf
 100 % of the original back emf
d. 150 % of the original back emf

66.  If Eb is the back emf of d.c. motor and V is the terminal voltage, then the condition for maximum power is

a. Eb = V
b. Eb = 2V
c. Eb = ( V / 2 )
 Eb = V

67. A 4 pole, lap wound d.c. motor drawing an armature current of 20 A has 360 conductors. If the flux per pole is 0.015 Wb then the gross torque developed by the armature of motor is

a. 10.23 N-m
b. 15.56 N-m
c. 17.17 N-m
 19.08 N-m

68.  If the no load speed of d.c. motor is 1350 rpm and full load speed is 1150 rpm, then its voltage regulation is

a. 11.56 %
b. 15.36 %
c. 17.39 %
 19.39 %

69. As the load on d.c. motor increases, the current drawn by motor

a. Increases
c. Remains same
d. None of these

70.  If the back emf of a d.c. motor is doubled and flux is halved (keeping other parameters constant) then its speed will become

a. Double of the original speed
b. Square of the original speed
c. Four times of the original speed
 Half of the original speed

71. Keeping the field excitation constant, the constant of proportionality between back emf and armature speed of d.c. motor is

a. Twice of the proportionality constant between developed torque and armature current
b. Half of the proportionality constant between developed torque and armature current
c. Same as that of proportionality constant between developed torque and armature current
 None of these

72. D.C. shunt motor is also called as

a. Constant flux motor
b. Constant voltage motor
c. Variable voltage motor
d. Constant current motor

73. The torque developed in d.c. shunt motor is

a. Directly proportional to the armature current
 Directly proportional to the square of the armature current
c. Inversely proportional to the armature current
d. Inversely proportional to the square of armature current

74.  For a constant torque load, if the armature resistance of shunt motor is doubled (keeping the shunt field constant) then the armature current will

a. Double
b. Get halved
c. Remain same
 None of these

75. A 4 pole, 220 V, 10 H.P, d.c. shunt motor is rotating at a speed of 320 rpm. Then the developed useful torque is

a. 210.647 N-m
b. 215.547 N-m
c. 219.484 N-m
 None of these

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