Electrical Machines( Synchronous Machines/Alternator ) Part-09

 Electrical Machines( Synchronous Machines ) :

Q-216. In a synchronous generator, one pole is responsible for

a. 90 degree electrical of induced emf
b. 180 degree electrical of induced emf
 360 degree electrical of induced emf
d. 720 degree electrical of induced emf

Q-217. If the rotor poles of a 6 pole synchronous generator shift by 8 mechanical degrees from no load to full load, then its torque angle will be

a. 12 degrees
b. 24 degrees
 48 degrees
d. 136 degrees

Q-218. If coil side in one slot is connected to a coil side in another slot which is one pole pitch distance away from first slot, the winding is said to be

a. Short pitched
b. Full pitched
d. Distributed

Q-219. Among the following sentences which is/are true about short pitch coils

a. Less amount of copper is required
b. Eliminates high frequency harmonics
c. Minimizes eddy current and hysteresis losses
d. All of the above

Q-220. In practice, which combination of armature winding is preferred for the alternators?

a. Single layer, full pitched and concentrated type
b. Single layer, short pitched and distributed type
c. Double layer, full pitched and concentrated type
d. Double layer, short pitched and distributed type

Q-221. Due to short pitching, the induced emf gets

a. Reduced
c. Remains same
d. None of these

Q- 222.  In a 4 pole, 3 phase alternator, armature has 40 slots. It is using an armature winding which is short pitched by one slot. Its coil span factor is

a. 0.9
b. 0.9243
c. 0.9476
d. 0.9876

Q- 223.  The factor by which there is reduction in the emf due to distribution of coils is called distribution factor. It is given by

a. sin (β / 2m) / msin(β / 2)
b. sin(β / m) / msin(mβ / 2)
c. sin(m β/2) / msin(β / 2)
 msin(β / 2) / sin(m β / 2)

Q- 224. The generalized expression for emf equation of an alternator is

a. Eph = 4.44f φ Tph
b. Eph = 4.44 KcKdf φ E
c. Eph = 4.44 KcKdfφTph
 Eph =4 KcKdf φ Tph


Q- 225.  For a short pitch and distributed winding, the value of coil span factor and distributed factor

a. Both are less than unity
b. Less than unity, greater than unity
c. Greater then unity, less than unity
d. Both are greater than unity


Q- 226.  An armature of a three phase, 8 pole alternators has 120 slots. The distribution factor is equal to

a. 0.897
b. 0.946
c. 0.957


Q- 227. A 3 phase, 50 Hz, 8 pole, star connected alternator has 120 slots having 10 conductors per slot. The flux per pole is 0.02 Wb and distributed sinusoidally. The induced emf per phase for full pitch winding is

a. 849.816 V
 956.782 V
c. 1046.812 V
d. None of these


Q- 228. For reducing the slot harmonics in an alternator, the length of air gap is

a. Reduced
b. Increased
 Not related to harmonics
d. None of these


Q- 229. To minimize the harmonics from the voltage waveform, the suitable steps is / are

a. Using distributed type of winding instead of concentrated type
b. Using fractional slot windings
c. Skewing the pole face
d. All of these
 None of these


Q- 230. If x is the order of harmonic component, then the general expression for distribution factor is

a. xsin(β / 2m) / msin(β / 2x)
b. sin(x β /m) / xmsin(m β / 2)
c. sin(xm β / 2) / msin (x β / 2)
 xmsin(β / 2) /sin(mx β)


Q- 231. Generally the effective resistance of alternator under a.c. condition is taken as

a. Less than 1.25 times the d.c. resistance
b. 1.25 to 1.75 times the d.c. resistance
 Greater than 1.75 times the d.c. resistance
d. None of these


Q- 232. Salient pole alternators are best suitable for the application of

a. Hydro electric power plant
 Thermal power plant
c. Tidal power plant
d. Nuclear power plant


Q- 233.  When the voltage across any two terminals of an armature winding of star connected alternator, then the armature resistance per phase is

a. Half of the resistance observed across any two line terminals
 3/2 of the resistance observed across any two line terminals
c. 2/3 of the resistance observed across any two line terminals
d. Same as the resistance observed across any two line terminals


Q- 234. In the given figure of delta connected alternator, armature resistance per phase (Ra) is equal to

a. 1/2 of RRY
b. 2/3 of RRY
c. 3/2 of RRY


Q- 235.  The leakage flux in the armature of alternator makes the armature winding

a. Inductive in nature
 Capacitive in nature
c. Resistive in nature
d. All of these


Q- 236. Out of two alternators which are sharing an inductive load equally, if excitation of one alternator is increased then

a. Other alternator will deliver less current
 Other alternator will deliver more current
c. Both will deliver equal current
d. None of these


Q- 237. The effect of armature flux in an alternator depends on

a. Magnitude of current flowing through the armature winding
b. Nature of power factor of the load connected to the alternator
c. Both (a) and (b)
 None of these


Q- 238. If f is the main flux produced by the field winding of alternator is responsible for producing Eph, then

a. Eph leads f by 90 degree
b. Eph leads
f by 45 degree
c. Eph lags
f by 45 degree
d. Eph lags
f by 90 degree

Q- 239. If the load connected to the alternator are having zero leading power factor and zero lagging power factor, then the nature of load in each case will be

a. Inductive, capacitive
b. Inductive, inductive
c. Capacitive, capacitive
d. Capacitive, inductive

Q- 240. The synchronous reactance of an alternator is equal to

a. Leakage reactance of armature
b. Armature reaction reactance
c. Sum of leakage reactance and armature reaction reactance
d. Difference of leakage reactance and armature reaction reactance

Q- 241.  Consider a purely inductive load connected to the alternator having zero lagging power factor. In this case the effect of armature reaction will be

a. Demagnetizing effect
 Cross magnetizing effect
c. Both (a) and (b)
d. None of these

Q- 242.  When a purely capacitive load is connected to the alternator having zero leading power factor then the armature flux and main flux will be

a. In the same direction
 In the opposite direction
c. Main flux will lead armature flux by 90 degree
d. Main flux will lag armature flux by 90 degree

Q- 243. The open circuit voltage and short circuit current of a 3 phase, star connected alternator are 1050 V and 250 A respectively. Its field current is 12 A. Then the synchronous impedance of alternator will be

a. 1.34 ohm
b. 1.69 ohm
c. 2.42 ohm
 2.85 ohm

Q- 244. A 6 kVA, 220 v 3 phase, star connected synchronous generator has a winding resistance of 0.15 ohm per phase and synchronous reactance of 6.1 ohm per phase. The voltage regulation of alternator at a load power factor of 0.8 lagging will be

a. 58.10 %
 68.43 %
c. 69.02 %
d. 72.81 %

Q- 245.  If two mechanically coupled alternators deliver power at 50 Hz and 60 Hz respectively, then the highest speed of alternators will be

a. 1200 rpm
b. 1500 rpm
c. 600 rpm
d. 300 rpm

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