Power System(Generation)-05:

111)   A large diversity factor of the load in a power system

a. Reduces the installation cost.
b. Increases the installation cost.

c. Does not affect the installation cost.
d. None of the above

112)   What is the result of the product of diversity factor and maximum demand?

a. Average demand
b. Sum of consumers maximum demand
c. Installed capacity
d. Generated power

113)   Maximum demand on the power system is

a. Sum of the maximum demands of all its consumers.
b. Greatest average load in a specified time.
c. Peak value of load in a specified time.
d. All of the above.

114)   What is demand factor?

a. Average load to maximum demand.
b. Maximum demand to connected load.
c. Connected load to maximum demand.
d. Maximum demand to average load.

115)   What is the value of demand factor?

a. Greater than unity.
b. Less than unity.
c. Always more than unity.

d. Normally more than unity.

116)What is connected load?

a. Installed electrical load in the premises of the consumer.
b. Maximum load a consumer draws.
c. Load drawn by a consumer at any instant.
d. None of the above.

117)   The power system experiences peak demand from ____________.

a. Midnight to 8 A.M
b. 8 A.M to 2 P.M
c. 2 P.M to 6 P.M
d. 6 P.M to 10 P.M

118)   The maximum demand on the power system is 100 MW. If the annual load factor is 40%. Calculate the total energy generated in a year.

a. 3761 * 105 kWh
b. 4174 * 105 kWh
c. 3504 * 105 kWh
d. 3500 * 105 kWh

119)   The power demand can be estimated approximately by

a. Load survey method.
b. Mathematical method.
c. Statistical method.
d. Economic parameters.

120)   A generating station has a connected load of 55 MW and maximum demand of 20 MW. What is the demand factor?

a. 0.4785
b. 0.3636
c. 2.75
d. 1100

121)   Determine the average demand of a plant if its load factor and maximum demand are 0.60 and 30 MW.

a. 20 MW
b. 18 MW
c. 50 MW
d. 13 MW

122)   Utilisation factor is defined as the ratio of

a. Average demand to the rated capacity of the plant.
b. Maximum demand on the power plant to the rated capacity of the power plant.
c. Rated capacity of the power plant to the maximum demand.
d. None of these

123)   A consumer consumes 400 kWh per day at a load factor of 0.3. If he increases the load factor to 0.6 without any increase in maximum demand. What is the consumption of energy in kWh?

a. 800 kWh
b. 650 kWh

c. 1125 kWh
d. 425 kWh

124)   The yearly load duration curve of a power plant is a straight line. The maximum load is 850 MW and minimum load is 650 MW. The capacity of the plant is 950 MW. What is the capacity factor and the utilization factor?

a. 0.89, 0.78
b. 0.83, 0.65
c. 0.78, 0.89
d. 0.65, 0.83

125)   Interconnected systems have the advantage of

a. Reduced reserve plant capacity, capital cost per kW and economy in operation.
b. Improved load factor, diversity factor and operation efficiency and increased reliability of supply.
c.  a & b

d. None of these

126)   Major share of power generated in India is through which means?

a. Hydroelectric power plants.
b. Nuclear power plants.
c. Thermal power plants.
d. Gas turbine power plants.

127)   What is the modern trend in electric power generation?

a. To have a large number of small size thermal plants located at different places.
b. To have large size thermal plants near load centre.
c. To have large size thermal plants located near coal fields.
d. None of the above.

128)   Which among the following plants have the least operating cost?

a. Steam plants
b. Hydro plants
c. Nuclear plants
d. Diesel plants

129)   What are the essential requirements for power plants to be operated as peak load plants?

a. Capability of quick start, synchronisation and taking up of system load.
b. Quick response to load variations.
c. Low capital cost.
d. All of these.
130)   In a steam power station, electric power is generated at what power?

a. 440 V
b. 1.1 kV
c. 11 kV
d. 33 kV

131)   Annual operating cost of a generating plant consists of

a. Fixed charges
b. Semi fixed charges
c. Operating or running charges
d. All of these

132)   For a nuclear plant, what is its useful life?

a. 10 years.
b. 30 years
c. 100 years

d. 60 years
133)   What happens in a load shedding?

a. System voltage is reduced.
b. System frequency is reduced.
c. System loads are switched off.
d. System power factor is changed.

134)   Why is load shedding done?

a. Reducing peak demand on the system.
b. Repairing of machines.
c. Power factor improvement.
d. Efficient operation of equipment.

135)   Generators for the base load plants are usually designed for maximum efficiency around

a. 20% overload
b. Full load
c. 75% full load
d. None of these

136)   What are fixed charges?

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